Feel special in an early adopter and self-selected group of wellness enthusiasts

Over the past six years, our team of scientists, engineers and industry leaders have put their heart and soul into creating this platform and programs that we're incredibly proud of. Our platform has already proven to significantly impact the lives of all our users. However, we’re currently onboarding users in limited batches and chose to be very prudent about introducing Project Serotonin to the world at large. We’re opening up user enrollment for our next batch, and are super thrilled about the self-selected members we are going to onboard through this campaign. One of the key learnings from the previous group was that the members who were typically more aware of their health have seen immense value in our platform, and benefited greatly from the program. It actually worked both ways, we’ve gained a great deal of insight from them as well, which translated to improvements to our program and platform. With such users on the program, our community has grown stronger with a shared passion for better health. Through this campaign, we aim to reach a specific audience who are health-enthusiasts and are looking for ways to achieve their peak health.
Check Eligibility

We take your health seriously.
And it’s important you do too.

While our platform does all the heavy lifting in providing you with all the data, insights, and resources you need to transform your health, we need your commitment to ensure the program works for you with guaranteed results. Here’s what’s expected of you:

• Regular and accurate supplement consumption logging Why?  We use this data to deliver personalized insights, and impact your program outcomes. Also, our model of auto-reordering of products is reliant on this data to ensure accuracy and timely delivery of your products.

• Regular usage of wearable device Why? Through the data from your wearable device we track your lifestyle activity such as heart rate, Sleep, and different forms of physical activity. By analyzing these data points, our program generates personalized insights, enabling you to make informed decisions about your lifestyle choices and optimize your wellness journey. Also, this data adds to your daily wellness score on the program, and is factored into your program recommendations and feeds into the personalization of your micro-nutrition stack as well. 

• Adherence to program regimen (Supplementation)Why? I
t's important to take your supplements consistently as per regimen for 5 out 7 days in a week to realize best health outcomes. We recommend maintaining a 40+ score as a daily average

• Adherence to recommended lifestyle advice Why?
7+ hours of sleep and 30+ activity minutes on a daily basis is recommended to optimize your program outcomes. Both are critical components of your daily wellness score, attributing to most of your lifestyle score.

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Become a Member to

Achieve Peak Performance
Mitigate Disease Risk
Improve Healthspan
Achieve Peak Performance
Mitigate Disease Risk
Improve Healthspan
Achieve Peak Performance
Project Serotonin membership offers a comprehensive wellness program designed to help you achieve optimal health outcomes by leveraging the best of our science and technology platform. With preventive health as the focus, our program strategy follows a phased approach to deliver a holistic precision micro-nutrition program that gets you the best results through these 5 tracks.

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Program Promise


Disease Risk Mitigation

Mitigate disease by optimizing 4 of the most important biomarkers hs-CRP, Homocysteine, HbA1C, ApoB, that contribute to reducing the risk of the 4 horsemen - heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, or type 2 diabetes(metabolic dysfunction). Our targeted multi-pronged strategy uses precise protocols for exercise, diet & lifestyle combined with nutritional supplements to help improve each of these biomarkers to optimal levels.

Quality of Life

Significantly improve key quality of life metrics, such as energy levels, stamina to perform daily tasks, better immunity, digestive health, sleep and stress management. Optimizing nutrient levels and periodic assessments ensure you achieve and stay in your best state of health and performance.

Foundational Health + Nutrient Optimization

Guaranteed optimization of essential nutrients - Vit D, Vit B12, B9, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron etc. Aids in over 400+ vital biochemical processes in your body, that helps you achieve peak foundational health, immune function, cognitive and physical performance
iPhone 14 mockup

Biological Age

Improve your Biological Age, a composite marker and predictor of internal aging - derived from 9 individual biomarkers, indicative of cellular health, immune & metabolic health, liver & kidney health. While these parameters fluctuate over time, maintaining optimal nutrition and lifestyle can delay rapid changes and help restore one’s biological age.

Muscle & Cardio Conditioning

Reducing age-induced muscle loss, and improving cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory health through targeted exercise protocols, hydration, adequate sleep, lifestyle, optimum protein, and nutrition is paramount to improving your healthspan(disease free years). The specific protocols in this track aids in increased muscle strength, endurance, improved metabolism, energy, bone & joint health. These contribute to risk adjusted reduction of all cause mortality, and improved quality of life as you get older.

The Promise


Foundational Health + Nutrient Optimization
Guaranteed optimization of essential nutrients - Vit D, Vit B12, B9, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron etc. Aids in over 400+ vital biochemical processes in your body, that helps you achieve peak foundational health, immune function, cognitive and physical performance


Disease Risk Mitigation
Mitigate disease by optimizing 4 of the most important biomarkers hs-CRP, Homocysteine, HbA1C, ApoB, that contribute to reducing the risk of the 4 horsemen - heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, or type 2 diabetes(metabolic dysfunction). Our targeted multi-pronged strategy uses precise protocols for exercise, diet & lifestyle combined with nutritional supplements to help improve each of these biomarkers to optimal levels.


Quality of Life
Significantly improve key quality of life metrics, such as energy levels, stamina to perform daily tasks, better immunity, digestive health, sleep and stress management. Optimizing nutrient levels and periodic assessments ensure you achieve and stay in your best state of health and performance.


Muscle & Cardio Conditioning
Reducing age-induced muscle loss, and improving cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory health through targeted exercise protocols, hydration, adequate sleep, lifestyle, optimum protein, and nutrition is paramount to improving your healthspan(disease free years). The specific protocols in this track aids in increased muscle strength, endurance, improved metabolism, energy, bone & joint health. These contribute to risk adjusted reduction of all cause mortality, and improved quality of life in your marginal decades of life.


Biological Age
Improve your Biological Age, a composite marker and predictor of internal aging - derived from 9 individual biomarkers, indicative of cellular health, immune & metabolic health, liver & kidney health. While these parameters fluctuate over time, maintaining optimal nutrition and lifestyle can delay rapid changes and help restore one’s biological age.
iPhone 14 mockup

The Program

Smart Supplementation Tracking & Insights
There are many wellness programs and platforms promising transformative health changes without real value. What truly sets us apart is our ability to track actual supplement usage among our users and correlating it with tangible health outcomes. In fact, we’re the only platform that does this. Our patented technology enables us to monitor the real-time impact of supplement consumption on our users' health. Using this data we’re able to deliver personalized insights, and translate the learnings back to the benefit of our users.
Continually improving Program with Periodic Health evaluation
Our program evolves with you in your pursuit of optimal wellness. The Track, Measure and Improve model lays the foundation to our program promise and approach. Through a continuous assessment of your program performance and biomarkers(every 6 months or as needed), we ensure that the program is optimized for you in line with your health & wellness goals. Being able to identify and address unfavorable biomarker trends timely, with specific actionable recommendations - is shown to have an outsized impact on mitigating disease risk, overall health and aging.
Scan & Decode your Supplements
Scan & decode supplements you currently take to know if supplements you are taking (or considering) is right for you (synergies & unfavorable interactions with other supplements or medications included). Also, find the most effective formulations of products for any health goal or ingredient(botanicals, vitamins, minerals etc.) you might be looking for.
Hyper Personalization with over 300+ Parameters assessed
At Project Serotonin, our Scientists (PhDs in Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Food Technology & Nutrition) have spent over five years developing one of the most sophisticated algorithms that can factor in over 300 parameters (including your genetics, diet, lifestyle, sleep patterns, stress, medications and underlying health conditions) to create the right hyper personalized micronutrition stack for YOU.
Unbiased Product Selection
We're not here to sell products. We're here to help you make informed choices about your health. Our science systems, and the patented algorithm work in synergy to find you the right supplements tailored to your precise needs, and nothing otherwise. This unbiased approach ensures that you receive recommendations that are in your best interest, and not influenced by profit margins.
Daily Regimen & Wellness Scores
No more guesswork, your daily regimen guidance in the app tells you exactly what supplements to take and when for ideal absorption. Our program wellness Score (supplementation + lifestyle) helps in measuring your daily and weekly progress towards reaching your optimal zones. This tracking metric empowers you to make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement, and fine-tune your wellness routines to achieve your health goals. The wellness score has consistently proven to be a powerful motivating factor amongst our community of users, encouraging them to strive for improved health and well-being.
Biological Age Tracking
A composite biomarker computation that predicts & guides specific improvements towards your whole-system health. Our Biological Age tracking feature helps you in keeping a constant measure of your body’s inner-health and actual rate of aging, so that you can take timely preventive measures to support and promote healthy aging. Your Bio Age is determined and updated with every blood test as part of your program journey.
Adaptive Program Insights
Periodic program insights, aimed to help you stay informed about how hyper-personalization of your supplements - recommended products, formulations, dosage & regimen is impacting your health and wellbeing. Also, using the data from your wearable device we're able to provide real-time feedback on your progress, keeping you engaged and motivated throughout your wellness journey - whether it's a gentle nudge to get more exercise, or sleep, helping you stay on track towards your wellness goals.
Advanced Supplementation & Lifestyle Protocols
We encourage and enforce a 5 out of 7 weekly regimen with the aim of maximizing your nutritional benefits effectively with the least and most optimal dosage possible. You’ll have access to guidelines, and recommendations for optimizing exercise performance, fasting windows, diet check-ins and more. Earn achievement badges to track your peak fitness routines, fasting schedules, mindfulness sessions, all to support and enable you on your journey to holistic wellness and optimal health.
Science +Tech Based Synergy/Accuracy
Our systems and platform always stay relevant to the latest technology, scientific research in advancements of health and nutrition. This commitment to staying up-to-date allows us to ensure that your program recommendations are always scientifically supported.
Auto-reordering of Products
It simplifies your life by taking care of your supplement needs without any hassle of you having to manually monitor your supplement stock and place orders. Instead, our system does it all, seamlessly, ensuring you never run out of products. The reorders get triggered based only on actual usage, and so avoids wastage.
We believe in being fully transparent every step of the way. You'll know exactly why we recommend a specific supplement, how it can benefit you, and the scientific evidence behind it. All of this information is made available in the app with real-time updates throughout your wellness journey.
Concierge Support & Scientist Consults
With our membership plan, you gain access to personalized health reports and exclusive one-on-one consultations with our scientists. Before starting on your wellness program, you'll have the opportunity to review your recommendations, address any questions regarding your health, and align your health goals with expert guidance. This would also happen periodically to assess your program performance to ensure you stay on track. In addition to this personalized support, you'll also have access to real-time assistance through our in-app chat feature.
With a little help from Ai
We use real world data from our users to build models using Machine Learning and AI techniques that recommend hyper-personalized regimens unique to the user. These models factor in genetics, profile and behavioural parameters, using 800,000+ data points of the user in order to ascertain what is required for the user to attain and maintain optimal health status.
Get the Billionaire experience
While common perception is that truly personalized 'health optimization & longevity' protocols are only accessible to billionaires and is a luxury availed by the elite - we are determined to change that. We believe that everyone should have access to the wealth of good health, and our platform promise and offering reflects this commitment.

Create Your Own Blue Zone Circle

At Project Serotonin, we believe health and wellness gets amplified when we come together vs doing it in isolation. Our users and their wellness clusters on the platform, are a shining example of how friends, teammates, peers and chosen family can support, stay motivated and see measurable improvements to their health & aging biomarkers, including their biological age - while being on the Program together.
You'll be able to connect, share your milestones, motivate and stay inspired with each other's health successes on the program.
Our users are becoming change makers in their own communities, proving health and longevity is the new cool. They are setting new benchmarks for what it means to live in peak health, thrive and look their best at any age.  

The success of our program referral model is a testament to that ethos. Users bring their near and dear ones on to our health-verse. With most members either a referral or a referrer, and often a referral who's now a compulsive referrer - having seen tremendous health & quality of life improvements on the program. After all, who doesn't want to be the bearer of good health and wellbeing!

Short heading goes here

All this could mean a billion$, without guaranteed results.Now imagine, what if we said our platform …………………, with

Project Serotonin delivers the exclusivity of elite health with affordable pricing, so you can achieve outcomes currently reserved for the uber-rich.

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For a Healthier Tomorrow

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